Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toe nail polish removal at home can you help?

I am trying to do my nails at home to save money but I am so clutzy! Any tips on putting it on and taking it off without making a mess?Toe nail polish removal at home can you help?
I was taught to soak the cotton ball in remover and place it on your big toe with moderate pressure or whatever toe and let it sit for 10 seconds or so, then push down and wipe, away from you. Toss that cotton ball, get a fresh one and repeat. Now it will be easier to finish it. This especially good when trying to remove dark colors. Finish up the corners with a damp q - tips.Toe nail polish removal at home can you help?
The best tip for applying nail varnish is not to overload your brush. Don't put it on in a rush, allow plenty of time and apply two thin coats as opposed to one. I also find applying a top coat helps save the varnish from chipping (and therefore saves having to reapply too soon). I always use toe separators - best piece of kit ever! If you don't have any of these, use either cotton wool or tissue to separator your toes. Good luck!
Well there is a substance that is called nail polish remover, or something like that. And all you have to do; is rub it on your nail polish and it magically goes away.... Plus it dosen't cost much, you can purchase some at your local drug store.
start with a thin coat then let it dry and try another thin coat

unitl you have them the way you like them . also they have

toe spreaders that are very helpful, that works great.

taking them off be careful useing something that you can thown

away aslo put something down so it won't get everywhere.
Try pure Acetone. You can get it at Walmart or Sally's Beauty Supply.Makes polish instantly come off!
Put a paper towel or something under your hands/feet, have lots of nail polish remover and q-tips close for any mess ups, do it on a flat and stable surface. good luck!
They have little pre-soaked sheets of nail polish remover sold at any drug store. They make it much easier and less messy.
You can use nail polish remover which you can get at drug stores for like, 5 dolars. Also, If you mess up while youre painting them, than just have some cottonballs or qtips close by that have nailpolish remoover on them and wipe any mistakes off.

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