Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Permanent toe nail removal?

I'm 14 and I've had ingrown nails constantly for 2 years. ( It's the genetic kind.) On July 7th I had a side of my nail removed permanently ( they burned it or whatever). My doctor said to soak off the bandages 2 days later. I had to take 2 buses home which she didn't like and I got home 3 hours later in dying pain. To top it off I had no Tylenol and couldn't fill the prescription for tylenol3 she gave me!

I have been taking showers every day since the 9th and my toe has been getting wet. It was insanely infected before.

I was wondering when it should heal decently and when it's okay to go swimming in a public pool and ocean/lake.Permanent toe nail removal?
I had both my big toes done and it took about a month for them to return to normal. But that was because they were in such a state anyway.

How do they look? Do they look like they are healing ok? I'd put off swimming till they look fully healed.

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