Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Applying nail polish removal on pimples a good idea? it contains alcohol? What else can i do to remove pimples

don't use nail polish remover. instead, use salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which have been known to help with acne. you can get these topical ointments from your local drugstore. or you can even use toothpaste to dry out pimples.Applying nail polish removal on pimples a good idea? it contains alcohol? What else can i do to remove pimples
you could use some toothpaste that usually helps but don't use polish remover you gonna jack up your face.Applying nail polish removal on pimples a good idea? it contains alcohol? What else can i do to remove pimples
No offense but the nail polish thing is kind of dumb. I am sure you know that you get pimples from clogged pores. Also your pores need an ample amount of oxygen. Hints, fingernail polish remover will just worsen the problem. I use pro active and i honestly see no improvement in my skin. Clearasil makes acne vanishing cream that you can wear to sleep and school. I love it. Practically works overnight and it's only like 4 bucks when my proactive isn't even working and it was like 65.
No. Its a bad idea. Nail polish contains ton of harmful not to mention dangerous chemicals that could cause harm if you drank so placing it on your skin where your pores could slowly take it in is still not a good idea. Try tazerac.
Do that only if you want nasty burn's all over your face .
HORRIBLE IDEA. You will ruin your skin like that. Don't use alcohol either. Use something that will gently dry out your pimples like Clearisil or Phisoderm. You can also use toothpaste if you want a home remedy, but please please please DON'T USE NAILPOLISH REMOVER.
Try Pro-Activ. Has worked for my brother in law. Nail polish... sheeze... Don't try huffing, either, genius...
Nail polish remove does not contain alcohol, some of it has acetone and it is very drying to the skin. My daughter uses a product by the name of ';ZapZit';. Sold at Wal-Mart for very reasonable price - it is very drying as well but it works and you can always use some moisturizer and facial scrub after the pimple is gone.
y not just use alcohol....
OMG, NO!!! Acetone is never good for any part of your skin!!

Alcohol isn't good either. It's very drying to your skin!! Try using some benzoyl peroxide gel, you can get the cheap Wal-Mart kind for a couple of dollars.
No, it's a bad idea. Your pimples will go away when you're done with puberty.
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