Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ingrown toe nail removal: How long were you off work?

I'm getting my ingrown toe nail removed today on 2 of my toes. I'm petrified. The doctor said I'd need a couple days off, but didn't specify. I know I'll know in a couple hours exactly, but how long were you signed off to recover?

(I'm being signed off because at my job I have to wear steal toes and am always on my feet, I need my feet to breathe and rest.)Ingrown toe nail removal: How long were you off work?
Hey hun,

I was of for about 3 days, i got mine done on a Tuesday also and i got the rest of the week off (';,) doc said 2 days but my boss just said to take the rest of the week lol.

Good luck hun and honestly you wont feel a thing.

xxxxxIngrown toe nail removal: How long were you off work?
I had to have both of my big toe nails removed due to genetic malformation that ended up with ingrown toenails. I didn't skip a beat after. I missed more days of work before due to pain.
Thoughts, hopes and prayers my friend.

Never had it done on myself actually
sometimes, nail removal is not what we need. sometimes, what we need is a nail medicine. i have read about nail fungus and testimonials have impressed me. this medicine is called Zetaclear. many people was impressed of this.

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